The Infinite Supper

BY ikhancrafts

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We all knew Doctor Who was biblical. He is after all a Time Lord; we see countless companions praying he’ll save them and he has, basically, eternal life.

It seems fitting then – in what is probably a sacrilegious way – that Colin Biggs gives us The Infinite Supper, bringing together the religious iconography of Da Vinci’s Last Supper with Doctor Who pop-culture references.

The design incorporates the 12 regenerations of the Doctor in place of Jesus and his disciples, with the Tardis in the background. Of note, in the position of Judas is the non-canonical Peter Cushing who played a false Doctor in the mid 1960’s, and Matt Smith is actually Mary Magdelene. The table-top is littered with various iconic props that have appeared throughout the last 49 years of the show’s production.

Doctor Who meets Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper in this iconic mash-up.

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